Armored Vehicle Requested To Deal With Libertarians

dreamstimefree_245546The Free State Project is a non-profit organization which has a goal of bringing 20,000 small government and liberty-minded citizens to New Hampshire. So far, approximately 14,000 people have signed up as members and have pledged to move to New Hampshire. They’ve elected two dozen of their members to the state legislature.

They’re trying to concentrate those libertarians to one low-population state to help bring about more meaningful change.

Now Concord, New Hampshire says they’re a domestic terrorist organization. In Concord’s application to Homeland Security to obtain a quarter-of-a-million dollar BEARCAT (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack) vehicle for their police department, the Free State Project was listed as one of the reasons they needed an armored vehicle.

“The State of New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism slants primarily towards the domestic type. We are fortunate that our State has not been victimized from a mass casualty event from an international terrorism strike; however, on the domestic front, the threat is real and here. Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges…. The type of vehicle needed would be capable of deploying bomb, HAZMAT, and special weapons personnel, equipped to detect chemical, biological, and radiological materials as well as explosive gases. This vehicle also needs armor properties to protect these personnel from explosions and hits from multiple projectiles when required to enter ‘hot zones.’ The Lenco ‘BearCat’ meets all these requirements.”

The city of Concord has had to endure all of two homicides in the past decade and perhaps that is why they labeled “Free Staters” as domestic terrorists. They’re trying to make it sound like they’ve got a large number of threats and they need that tank.

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